Since I have started to use self-made toothpaste there are two different recipes I have tried, both very easy to make and ready in no time. The result was more than satisfying for me. Here is the second recipe I tried, the first one was similar, just with the use of baking powder instead of baking soda. Research showed baking soda as higher recommended, plus it makes your teeth whiter.

13632902_10154370534669185_1274500596_oHow to do it yourself:

  • 4 – 5 tbsp baking soda – it helps to remove discoloration of the teeth and neutralizes cavity-causing bacteria
  • 2 – 3 tbsp coconut oil – it operates antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and like baking soda, it is 100% natural

Mix both ingredients well and your DIY toothpaste is ready for use. If the coconut oil is too solid, heat it up a little bit so you can stir it easily. I store the toothpaste in a little jar. You can also put it in a tube, but I choose the jar as I try to avoid plastic packaging. I have a toothpick with the jar to apply the toothpaste on the toothbrush. If the room temperature is very high, the toothpaste might get more liquid, if it’s cold, it will be more solid. Both ways are fine, just put it on the toothpaste and normally brush your teeth, no problem. (Some recipes recommend Stevia, 1/2 tbsp to sweeten it or essential oil, 12 drops, which I’ve never added as I like it the way it is.)

I am very enthusiastic about the results: my teeth feel very clean and they appear whiter, plus the gum feels healthier. And this might sound weird, but the surface of my teeth feels softer and thicker when I touch it with my tongue, like a natural protection layer.

The durability depends on the best-before date of the ingredients. With the quantity given here, I lasted about 2 months.

I changed to this natural way of toothpaste as I consider the ingredients of conventional toothpastes very questionable. On the packaging it even sometimes says „do not swallow“. Ingredients like aspartame, carageen (E407), glycerin, micro plastic particles and most of all fluoride should make us think. Fluoride enters through your oral mucosa into your lymphatics and goes into your thyroid gland. There it produces Fluoride-Thyroxine which destroys the thyroid gland. Fluoride slows down your metabolism, makes you weak-minded and puts you in a nebulous state.

If you ingest too much fluoride it demonstrably causes fluorosis (white spots on your teeth). In countries where drinking water contains a high amount of fluoride, like India, this micro element can even cause toxication leading to bone damage (skeletal fluorosis) or kidney damage.

The studies about fluoride are contradictory due to different initiators and in my opinion not 100% reliable.

But: just simply choose to be on the safe side and decide to make your own, natural and healthy toothpaste!
